20 August 2011

Hello again.


So, I'm officially back from my travels in Asia, at home in Santa Barbara (though my time abroad has me questioning the whole concept of what "home" is), and I think I'm finally over jet lag (wow, it was really tough this time, coming eastward!).

With all the new food experiences I've had, I'm filled with inspiration and excited to be back around my kitchen--and my good camera, which was a little too bulky to come along for the ride this summer.  All this to say, I think you'll be hearing from me a little more often these days, and I'm really looking forward to getting to share some of the things I've come to love during my time overseas.

My parents were so sweet and threw me a welcome home party, and they served up a great Italian-themed menu.  One of the appetizers, these olive-mushroom crostini, really stood out to me.  Super in taste and simplicity, just some olives and mushrooms thrown together and served over little slices of baguette.

They make a great snack or even the better part of a light meal.  You'll love the savory combination of olives and mushrooms, each bite fragrant with oregano and olive oil.

Olive-Mushroom Crostini 

10 black olives
10 green olives
2 large white mushrooms
2 Tbs. olive oil
¼ tsp. dried oregano
Sliced baguette

Finely chop olives and mushrooms and place in a medium-sized bowl.  Sprinkle with olive oil and oregano and toss to thoroughly combine.  (Make ahead note: keeps up to several days, refrigerated.)

Top thin slices of baguette with a tablespoon of the olive mixture and serve immediately.

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